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Need a Breakthrough? Try These Yoga Poses

It’s Monday, and you’re already not feeling it.

Your breathing is so heavy you can’t catch your breath. Your heart rate is racing at 100 beats per minute. Ugh, here we go again. You’re a pro at this point.

You discovered you failed your psychology assignment for the second time. The best part of this situation is you still need to meet the requirements for next semester.

What the hell? Your reality sinks in, and your mind projects many scenarios you can’t handle right now.

You place your trembling hand over your chest and repeat: take a deep breath, take a deep breath.

Welp cheers to another panic attack! Wow, this is the second panic attack this week. Your doctor tells you to deep breathe and relax–yeah, buddy, easier said than done.

You grab your Xanax 0.25mg from your dresser and think, “There must be another way.” Your girlfriend mentioned yoga, but how do you perform postures you can’t pronounce?

How will yoga benefit you? Shit, at this point, maybe it’s worth a try.

19.1% of adults experienced anxiety, and although everyone responds differently to treatment, stress-relieving exercises such as yoga, meditation, and physical movement can help.

Sounds familiar? If yes; you are not alone, my friend. We all have discombobulated days at times. Getting through the hassle is the first step.

Continue yoga reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety by training your mind to stay calm. Yoga will make a great sidekick for you when you’re experiencing anxiety.

The main benefit of yoga is the series of breathing techniques– the secret sauce.

Depending on where you are in your practice, each pose is held for three to five breaths. This benefits the body by allowing you to take control your anxiety and awareness.

Yoga is an ancient Hinduism practice used through movement (asanas), meditation, and deep breathing (pranayama). The most prevalent techniques are physical movement or asanas. You may be familiar with hot yoga.

The physical activity of the body in a heated room helps burn calories and spices up your workout. Book a hot yoga class and sweat it out the next time you feel anxious.

Although you can perform yoga slowly, it’s still an excellent alternative for anxiety. Yoga is physical as well as mental.

The best thing about yoga is the benefits it can bring to you. Some of the benefits of yoga are but are not limited to the following:

When you are in a state of panic, what’s the first thing you do?

You stop and acknowledge that you are out of alignment or desperately trying to regain control of your breathing. Have you ever wondered what might be going on from your brain’s point of view?

As a result, during an anxiety attack, your brain releases messages throughout the body, preparing it to take action–similar to survival of the fittest.

That’s where GABA comes in and saves the day. GABA is a neurotransmitter in the brain that blocks hyperactivity by producing a calmer state of mind. Without a doubt, here are nine yoga poses to kick anxiety to the curb.

Let’s get started!

Find stillness by standing tall, letting go with each exhale, and breathing out what no longer serves you. Mountain pose can help improve your:

The power of mountain pose is being still and letting go.

Standing Forward Fold: bend at your hips and forward forward fold

With this movement, you will let go of the chaos as you forward, fold, and hang heavy. You can swing side to side to feel a more powerful stretch. This posture can help with the following:

The power of standing forward fold releases unwanted body aches you don’t need.

Child pose helps with promoting relaxation by stretching the spine and hips. Adding breathing techniques can help reduce anxiety and bring your awareness back to a calm, steady state.

This posture can help with the following

The power of the child pose is relaxation by just letting it be.

Let go and feel the free pose. Find a wall, place your legs on it, and enjoy what comes next. This posture helps reduces:

The power of the legs up the wall pose is the increased blood flow circulation to your body.

stand tall and place legs to inner thigh and reach arms up to the sky

The root of balance. This posture is more complicated than it looks but helps with self-grounding and balance. You are already dealing with hyperactivity daily. Adding this to the list will help you manage your anxiety. Tree pose posture can help with the following:

The power of the tree pose is the grounding from the feet and taking control.

This pose is for you when you need a quick breathing break and to release your thoughts. Cat/cow can improve pain points by extending and flexing the spine with each inhale and exhale. This posture can help with the following:

The power of Cat/cow is spinal mobility through extension and flexion.

Cat/cow :grab the outer side of your feet and bring hips to belly

The happy baby pose is therapeutic for your inner thighs and hips. You hold tension in your hips more than you think. This pose can help the following:

The power of the Happy baby pose is the sensation in the inner thighs from the stretch.

Lay flat on back and twist to each side with arms out to the side

Are you feeling tight in your spine from doing day-to-day activities? Try this pose and watch the magic happen. The lying spine pose supports your spine by gently twisting it from side to side. A healthy spine equals a better you. This posture can help with the following:

The power of the lying twist pose is increased flexibility in the spine.

Let go of your fears, thoughts, and anxiety–BE STILL INSTEAD. This pose will automatically promote a feeling of stillness and well-being. Find a comfortable spot free of distraction and lay on your back with arms out, hands facing upward, and legs slightly spread apart. This pose can help with the following:

The savasana’s power is its calmness over the entire body.

Incorporating these nine yoga poses can bring some awareness into your life. Don’t let anxiety knock you down. Instead, accept it and incorporate yoga.

A whopping 19.1% of adults experience yoga–just a reminder you’re not alone. Yoga is beneficial when handling anxiety because it uses breathing techniques to calm your mind.

Book a hot yoga class or walk to release those unwanted hormones the next time you feel anxious and overwhelmed. Whenever you feel stressed or panicked, breathe and let go. That’s the power of yoga.

If this resonates with you, follow me on Medium to see other Health and Wellness blogs!

Saeed, S. A., Cunningham, K., & Bloch, R. M. (2019). Depression and Anxiety Disorders: Benefits of Exercise, Yoga, and Meditation. American Family Physician, 99(10), 620–627

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